life groups

Life groups meet throughout the week and are designed to connect together, pray together, grow together, and more. We will transition quarterly with new faces and new material. This gives opportunity to jump around to other groups or stay with the same, create new leaders of Life Groups, and meet new people.
 Join a group that best suits you!

Our current life groups:

Susan Raigoza 

Thursday Evenings 6:30PM
on zoom
We utilize Pastor Dave's sermon series to guide our conversation and our study each week. For all adults.

Jason Morton

Sunday Morning 8:45AM
Conference Room A
Our group will study the gospel of Matthew. Come each week to learn how we can utilize this book of the Bible in our everyday life.

Aaron&Morgan Yoshida: young adults

Sundays Biweekly 12:00PM
ages 18-30
The parsonage on campus
1045 N Mollison Ave
Currently we are going to service at 10:00 AM and then talking about the sermon during our group. 

Teresa Bolton

Tuesday Evenings 6:30PM
Conference Room B

the MOmco

1st and 3rd Wednesday each Month. 6PM-8pm
Conference Room B
Childcare is provided with advanced notice.

Julie Sweeney

             THe Word
              SUndays 8:45 am
              Conference Room A
              CUrrently studying The PSALMS


Thursday Evenings 6:30PM
For students (6th - 12th)
We meet all together at Church to play games,
worship, listen to  a message, pray for each other,
and bond with one another.